CLA BowlsRemember the lead character in Goldilocks and the Three Bears?  She didn’t settle for too hot, or too cold – too hard or too soft. she kept trying until she found what was JUST RIGHT.  When it comes to fighting disease, your body innately strives for the same thing.

Disease is nothing more than your body performing too much or too little of something.  If your thyroid is UNDER active, you have hypothyroidism.  If your lungs OVER react to dust in the air, you experience asthma.  If your heart pumps too HARD, you have high blood pressure.  Health on the other hand is when your body is clearly directed by its inner wisdom to produce, adapt, regenerate, secrete, eliminate, filter and metabolize to a degree that’s JUST RIGHT.

Chiropractors recognize that no doctor, pharmacy or research lab on the planet can live up the awesome task of keeping EVERYTHING in your body working JUST RIGHT.  Only innate intelligence, the immeasurable genius within you, is capable of handling that job.  The best we can do as Chiropractors is to remove the stress that gets in its way.  When we do, we know innate will only settle for what’s JUST RIGHT inside you.

After The Fall

May 3, 2016

CLA SnowAccording to the developer of Chiropractic, BJ Palmer, a clumsy slip on a sidewalk may seem like a small thing.  But the cascade of events that follow could potentially lead to bigger problems down the road.

The slip, however insignificant, creates an unexpected jar to the spine…vertebraes become misaligned (subluxated)…nerve pressure ensues…tissues become starved of instruction…malfunction follows…sickness develops…potential is robbed… and the course of Life is altered.  All from an inconsequential, embarrassing moment in time – unless remedied soon after the event.

No mater how minor the slip, your Chiropractor would rather evaluate you right away to b safe.  Not only can they adjust you back into alignment if necessary, correcting Subluxations sooner can thwart disruptions in your Life (and the Lives of others) later.  After the fall, do us all a favor and get checked.

The Way We’re Wired

April 28, 2016

CLA WiresIf you present with pain radiating down the left arm, any health care professional would recognize the urgency of addressing the source of the problem (i.e. your heart) vs. simply treating they symptom (the pain in your arm) – that mistake could kill you.  It’s also the reason why Chiropractors focus on the source of your complaint and not necessarily where you feel it.

Referred pain is a sensation that occurs distally from the main problem area.  Because of the vast network of nerves that travel from your brain to your body, it isn’t uncommon for patients to feel their symptoms far away from where the actual problem is.  Subluxations (mechanical nerve interference) in the low back can radiate pain down the legs, subluxations in the neck can radiate pain to the arm.  Sometimes organic dysfunctions can originate from segmental misalignments in your spine as well.

Ultimately, where you ‘sense it’ isn’t necessarily where we need to ‘fix it.’  If your Chiropractor works on a spinal region remote from the area of pain you’re pointing to, it’s not because we’re indifferent to how you feel – it’s because we understand how you’re wired.

Aging Like Fine a Wine

April 26, 2016

CLA WineThere’s an art to aging wine.  The temperature of the cellar, the seal of the barrel, the exposure to proper elements – and of course, time.  These factors combined, create the delicate balance needed to produce a classic vintage.  Introduce stress and imbalance to that environment and you’ll end up with an inferior, worthless product.

Now consider your aging process.  Are you providing your body with the elements and internal environment needed to grow finer over time?  What about the amount of quality, mental impulse your body is exposed to on a daily basis – are your cells and tissues bathed with an abundance of Life thriving nerve energy, or are the spinal branches of your nerve system choked by Subluxations, leaving those cells to prematurely age and wither on the vine?

You have a choice of taking care of your spine and aging like a fine wine or neglecting it and degenerating into a weaker, less palatable version of yourself.  Vintage health is a product of choice nutrition, proper exercise and of course -regular Chiropractic care.

Vince and Principle #6

April 21, 2016

CLA Lombardi“The Packers never lost a game…we just ran out of time.” – Vince Lombardi. Coach Lombardi’s quote sums up his unwavering belief in his team’s ability to win every game, if given enough time to execute their winning game plan.  Chiropractors hold a similar, unwavering belief in your body’s innate ability to heal.

The 6th Principle in Chiropractic states “there is no process which does not require time,” including the healing process.  BJ Palmer (the developer of Chiropractic) believed that given enough time and a clear nerve system the body could heal itself in just about any situation.  In his mind, the innate wisdom of the body and the potential to win any healing game if just given a chance.  This is the foundation of all a successful Chiropractic experiences.

If you’ve been under Chiropractic care for some time and see only minimal results, don’t give up.  The power that made your body designed all the plays needed to get you healthy and whole again.  It won’t lose the game if you provide enough time on the clock.


April 19, 2016

CLA DavidDavid was sculpted out of a “ruined” block of marble rejected by all his contemporaries. In choosing the block, Michelangelo said that he looked past the flaws to visualize the figure that had to be freed.  He then merely chipped away at what was NOT David to reveal the masterpiece.  Likewise, in his dramatic series know as the Captives, partially sculpted figures appear as if they are escaping from the stone that imprisons them.  Subluxated patients are very similar.

Within each subluxated individual is a masterpiece waiting to emerge.  Like Michelangelo, a skillful Chiropractor sees the potential health within every patient.  Years of stress trauma and fear acting as granite which entombs your potential – every adjustment acting as a finely placed chisel strike that gently chips away the stone to free the beautiful Life inside you.  With time and persistency, a fine piece of art emerges.

No matter how covered, disfigured or unfinished you may fee, stay consistent with your care.  Every adjustment that chips away at nerve interference reveals the amazing, healthy person who lies within you.


April 14, 2016

CLA JengaIf Life was a game of Jenga, stress would be the act of sliding out one puzzle piece after another, until your entire ‘tower of health’ topples over.

Unexpected car repair bill – slide out a block.  Emergency call from your kid’s school nurse – slide out another one.  Slip end over end on a sheet of black ice – slide out three more.  Before you know it, you’re one stress event away from major Jenga catastrophe…that is, unless your Chiropractor reverses the momentum and adjusts those loose blocks back in, restoring stability and integrity to your health.

Stress can cause you to Subluxate (misalign), and its effects are detrimental to your overall health.  So don’t wait until your last Jenga stress block is pulled before seeking help.  It’s far easier to keep your body standing strong with preventative Chiropractic care, than to rebuild it after the collapse.

An Ounce of Chiropractic

April 12, 2016

CLA ScaleThere’s a saying that goes an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.  From a financial stand point, nothing could be more true when it comes to using Chiropractic care.

A 2005 published in JMPT found “for low back and neck pain, the inclusion of Chiropractic benefits resulted in a reduction in the rates of surgery, advanced imaging, inpatient care, and x-rays.1″ That means less unnecessary testing, less hospitalization and fewer operations when Chiropractic care is made available.  The scales clearly tip in our favor.

When you keep you Nerve System clear and give your body a chance to heal itself, you end up saving tons of time, money and aggravation.  Our patients know it.  We’re just waiting for the rest of the world to catch on.

(1) J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2005 Oct;28(8):564-9

CLA CrammingRemember the days of pulling an ‘all nighter’ for a major exam – trying to cram an entire semester’s worth of work in one, non-stop studying marathon?  Well, you can’t get away with that when it comes to your Health and Chiropractic.

There are some who wish they could simply go to the chiropractor and have years of aches, pains and health issues erased in just one cram session – a Chiropractic all nighter if you will.  But like cramming for a test, a quick Chiropractic patch job is temporary at best.  Last minute adjustments for long standing problems will always yield fleeting results.  It takes sustained, consistent care over time to make measurable changes to bad spines.

So if you think you can re-call a cervical lordosis or undo years of poor bio-mechanics with one 24 hour sleepless Chiropractic binge, think again.  There is no such thing as pulling an all nighter when it comes to get your health and your spinal integrity back.


April 5, 2016

CLA PianoYou can’t sleep, your energy levels are low and you’re finding it harder to make it through your day.  The specialists insisted there’s nothing wrong, but you innately feel like something’s out of tune.  Maybe it’s time to call the Chiropractor.

D.D Palmer, the Father of Chiropractic, recognized tat repetitive physical, chemical and emotional stress can alter the normal ‘tone’ within a person’s Nerve System (a.k.a. Subluxation).  This persistent irritation can lead to poor physical, mental and emotional performance.  The solution?  Restore normal tone to the Nerve System with specific, Chiropractic adjustments and better health will naturally follow!

Health is the ‘music’ that plays when all your cells, tissues and organs vibrate perfectly in unison – orchestrated by a finely tuned Nerve System.  If you’re feeling sluggish, weak and tired, a trip to the Chiropractor may just be the think YOU need to get back in key.