CLA CollarChiropractors often get this question from patients:”…is it OK to ‘adjust’ your own spine?” (usually asked after seeing a friend or family member crank their neck from side to side, trying to get it to pop).  Well, the answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT.

Just considering the subluxation analysis, palpation skill, radiographic instrumentation reading, line of drive consideration, force quotients, contact points, vertebral level selection, contra-indication assessment, knowledge of family history, patient positioning, breath control, purpose, intent and timing that goes into delivering a single, healing thrust – you’d be insane to think you could do that safely and effectively to another human being without years of post graduate work and clinical training, let alone yourself.  Sure it may look simple, but there’s a lot more going on during a specific, loving, Chiropractic ADJUSTMENT than what meets the eye.

No respectable Chiropractor would try to adjust their own spine, just like no Dentist would ever try to give him or herself a root canal – that’s best left to a well trained, capable set of hands that can do the job objectively.  If you know someone who insists on habitually ‘adjusting’ their own spine, tell them to be safe and leave that to the professionals – or else we’ll have to put a cone on them.

CLA Lawn WorkYou’re proud of your lawn.  You water it, feed it on schedule and try to keep the neighborhood kids off of it.  but you missed a few spots with the fertilizer spreader and now dull, brown patches where the grass was STARVED of potential growth energy begin to show.  A similar situation can happen inside you.

All the cells, organs and tissues that make up your body need an even distribution of neurotrophic (Life sustaining) energy from your Nerve System in order to flourish and grow.  If parts of your body are deprived of this energy, likewise you’ll develop dull brown patches (disease) on your internal lawn.  Chiropractors refer to it as being ‘Subluxated.’

The goal of Chiropractic care is 100% coverage of neurotrophic Life energy in your body – and that’s achieved by keeping your Nerve System clear of blockages at the spinal level.  If you don’t want to see ugly, brown, weak patches in your health, stay EVEN and consistent with your Chiropractic care.

CLA HammerIf you hit your thumb with a hammer, with a little TLC and time, it will heal.  But if you insist on hitting that same thumb over and over again, despite the best therapeutic efforts, the healing won’t ‘take’ because of the repeating trauma.

Likewise, it’s common for patients to have recurring vertebral subluxations (mis-alignment of spinal segments that lead to nerve irritation) even after receiving the best Chiropractic care.  In many situations, it’s not the care in the Chiropractor’s office that is lacking, but the repetitive Lifestyle habits OUTSIDE the office that becomes the causative offense.  For example: You get adjusted, go home and fall asleep on the couch – the RESUBLUXATE…Or you get adjusted, go hoe and eat garbage food – then RESUBLUXATE…The resubluxation cycle will continue as long as you fail to stop ‘hammering your thumb’.

Life generates enough subluxation stress without you adding to it.  If you’re not holding your adjustments well, maybe something in your lifestyle needs to be addressed.  Discuss it with your Chiropractor so the insulting, repetitive ‘subluxator’ can be isolated.

CLA ResetHave you ever had to factory reset an electronic device that went haywire?  You can usually hit a ‘restore’ button to get it running like it did out of the box.  If you’ve ever felt like your body could use a ‘factory reset,’ there’s a profession dedicated for that exact purpose.

Our bodies are bombarded with daily stress.  Urgent work deadlines, unexpected family crisis or any inconvenient change in your routine are unsolicited stresses that can throw the balance of your nerve system off.  The result – your body slows down, runs sluggish and can even “freeze up” with an illness.  A Chiropractic adjustment is like hitting the reset button to restore your physiologic functions back to the Creator’s factory settings after a stress insult.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, maybe it’s time for a good adjustment to reset your nerve system back to its default health and vitality settings.  Clearing nasty Subluxations from your spine will get you running ‘out’ of the ‘box’ new again.

CLA GarbageWhat would happen if your garbage didn’t get picked up for a few weeks?  Your house would get pretty stinky wouldn’t it?  The same can be said for you, if your Nerve System garbage isn’t dumped regularly too.

Physical, chemical and emotional stresses that accumulate in your Nerve System are called Subluxations (Chiropractic term for nerve interference).  If not cleared regularly, stress from Subluxations can spill over into your body and cause poor sleep, fatigue, weakened immunity, chronic pains, anxiety or poor digestion.

People who keep their Nerve System ‘clean’ with regular Chiropractic adjustments report having more energy, better recovery from injuries and an improved state of mind.  If you’re feeling sluggish, weak and bogged down, maybe it’s time to dump your nerve system garbage.  Get to the Chiropractor today!

Life in the Clear Lane

May 24, 2016

CLA Keep RightEver feel like you’re moving at a snails pace during the day?  Everyone else is passing you by with more energy, more vitality and more health…like they’re cruising in the fast lane of Life while you chug along in the slow lane of sickness and fatigue.  Maybe the problem holding you back is actually IN your back…

Energy is expressed at its fullest when your Spine and Nerve System is clear.  Think of your Nerve System as your life’s superhighway.  Millions of nerve fibers (lanes) carry signals from your brain to every cell, tissue and organ of your body.  The more clear the nerves, the faster and smoother these messages travel, the more life orchestrating energy is available for our body to work with.  If the ‘traffic’ of nerve signals is inhibited (as with spinal subluxations) the less power is available to your body and the less alive you’ll feel.

Keeping your nerve system free of interference is the purpose of Chiropractic care and the means by which our patients get their health and vitality back without drugs or surgery.  If you want to experience Life in a faster lane – add regular spinal adjustments to your health regimen and keep your Nerve System Highway clear.

Don’t Forget

May 19, 2016

CLA RememberIt’s not uncommon for folks to ‘tail off’ Chiropractic care as soon as the pain is gone, only to return months down the road wondering what they did to bring it back.  In most cases it’s not what they did that caused the problem to come back – it’s what they stopped doing that did.

Once you get healthy, it’s easy to forget to continue doing the things that made you well in the first place.  How many times have you improved your diet and lost weight only to abandon those good eating habits once you reached your goal – and regain the fat.  The same goes for keeping your spine healthy with regular chiropractic care.  It’s easy to forget the impact of having a clear nerve system has on your overall health when the pain is gone and your vitality has returned.  But if you stay out of care too long (living in a sustained, subluxated state) re-occurrence of your problem will likely be due to omission rather than commission.

When your old aches and pains resurface, instead of trying to figure out what you did to cause the exacerbation, recall what you were doing that helped get you over them in the first place – hopefully you’ll remember just how great your body worked an felt when you were getting adjusted regularly.

CLA Rubber BandsEver feel ‘wound up’ from the stresses of life?  You feel tight and distorted, like a rubber band that’s been twisted to the brink of snapping?  That tension you’re feeling isn’t in your head…it’s in your Nerve System.

The constant, never ending stress of life builds tension in your nerves like an over twisted rubber band that robs you of experiencing the fullness of Life.  Chiropractors refer to this state as being ‘Subluxated.’  If you don’t regularly purge this tension from your nerves, it builds silently until a physical or emotional crisis manifests.  The solution…release the tension with preventative Chiropractic care, and get control of your Life again!

Chiropractic care gently removes stress from your spine and spinal cord before a critical failure can occur.  This is on ‘rubber band’ you need to keep clear!  Unwind your stress with regular Chiropractic adjustments and start experiencing the tension free Life you were born to have.

Stuck in a Subluxation

May 12, 2016

CLA CarGetting stuck in a rut is n inconvenient thing.  Without adequate traction, you end up spinning your wheels in a muddy trench, going nowhere fast until someone tows you into the clear.

When your Nerve System gets stuck in a rut, Chiropractors refer to it as being subluxated.  Like spinning your wheels, when you’re in a subluxated state you can’t free yourself from the sick and dis-eased rut that holds you back from living a full life.  You can’t overcome the stresses that bog you down – you can’t drive forward towards health until someone tows you into the CLEAR.  That’s what chiropractic adjustments do.

True health is being able to navigate through all the messy, stressful situations you encounter in life without getting stuck.  Regular chiropractic care keeps your Nerve System in the CLEAR so you can do just that.

Knock on Your Spine

May 10, 2016

CLA KnockSome people think wellness is a matter of luck – as if you hit the genetic lottery with a great immune system, perfect organic function and loads of energy.  Actually you don’t have to knock on wood to be healthy – you have more control over its natural ‘expression’ than you think.

Health is your birthright.  From the moment of conception, through adolescent growth into adulthood, the innate intelligent power of life that brought you into existence continues to re-create the best version of ‘YOU’ possible.  That includes helping you to grow strong, recover from illnesses and conquer the stresses life.  All these vital functions of health are orchestrated by an innate power within you, through a patent nerve system – and you have complete control over how CLEAR your life line is with regular adjustments.

If you’ve noticed a huge change in your health since you’ve been receiving consistent chiropractic care, it’s not from knocking on wood.  It’s from ‘knocking’ subluxated vertebrae back into alignment so innate can do its job without interference.